Parade of Homes

Keuler Construction has a longstanding history of involvement with the Madison Area Parade of Homes. After actively participating for 11 years, Keuler Construction made the decision to discontinue building parade homes in 2007. This choice was driven by a noticeable decline in the quality and craftsmanship exhibited in the Parade, as well as a lack of client interest in the designated sites. However, with the introduction of scattered site Parade Homes, Keuler Construction has identified an opportunity to rejoin the Parade of Homes while upholding our unwavering commitment to maintaining a high level of quality. This shift to scattered site offerings allows our clients to select the ideal building site that suits their needs. We plan to continue entering the scattered site Parade of Homes each year, showcasing some of our finest homes. Quality and craftsmanship remain paramount in our construction endeavors, and we eagerly look forward to sharing our exceptional creations with the public.

Click the photo below to see more pictures of our award winning 2023 Spring Parade Home
